Only a year remains. Just 52
weeks, 12 months, four seasons and 365.256 days for the planet to nip around
the sun and back again. Still time for a couple of speeches if anyone’s in the
mood. Doesn’t history fly when you’re having fun?
reality, the semi-educated guesswork as to Scotland’s future will probably
begin next spring, when the finishing post is bigger than a speck in the
distance. By then, we will have a better idea of the quantity of shots left in
the referendum lockers. For now, the truly tantalising question is whether the
No campaign can keep its scare-a-day production line going for a full year.
remains? No part of Scottish life has been left untouched by the horsemen of
the Better Together apocalypse. You name it and it has been laid waste,
metaphorically, by the representatives of austerity Britain. In the process, they
have tested the limits of fiction several times over. So here’s a serious
question: can they run the disaster movie for yet another year, or do they
think they have accomplished their mission?
Darling doesn’t seem too sure. As to victory, he refuses to utter the word. In
fact, the former chancellor and director of Better Together is less than
pleased with those in Whitehall (and perhaps elsewhere) who think their job is
done. He seems to believe, correctly, that the real argument has barely begun.
What’s more, Mr Darling is not yet ready to trust the opinion polls.
is interesting. All campaigning politicians warn their troops against
complacency as a matter of course, but certain startling contradictions are
evident within the No campaign. Some enthusiasts insist almost daily that the
case for independence has been discredited, or indeed “demolished”. They talk
about those polls a lot. They want wavering voters to believe a foregone
conclusion awaits. In contrast, Mr Darling is dismissive.
is “absolute rubbish”, he tells the Herald, to maintain that the Unionist game
is won. What’s more, “It will be a lot closer than people think because the
headline polls are misleading. It will be difficult to call right up to the
wire”. Put aside your personal preferences: just why would he say that?
former chancellor is privy, of course, to campaign reports from across the
country. Few on the Yes side – and anyone else with ears – doubt that these are
at odds with the standard narrative. Equally, however, only heroically
optimistic supporters of independence are prepared to claim just yet that
received wisdom is being stood on its head and an upheaval has begun.
Darling makes two judgements. One is that inevitably the polls will narrow. But
how come? Why should they? Secondly, the former chancellor believes the numbers
thrown up consistently by most opinion surveys, the surveys that have given so
much confidence to Unionists, are “misleading”. No aspersions are being cast
over anyone’s methodology, so what is meant by that remark?
factor might have to do with the nature of the No vote. Most people are
familiar with the run of the polls. Those say, with very few exceptions, that
independence will be rejected decisively a year from now. For now, this is the
central fact in the argument. But the secondary fact is that within those polls
the No vote has been bobbing around like an untethered balloon.
result is paraphrased, especially in London, as 60-40 against independence. The
actual numbers, no matter how you judge undecided voters, are far less solid.
Fieldwork conducted by four separate organisations in the last fortnight in
August showed the No vote ranging from 43% to 59%. This alone is odd. The first
number was discovered by Panelbase in a poll for the SNP, the second by YouGov
for Devo+. So which is the “outlier”?
all that, multiple divergences do not explain why Mr Darling thinks the gap
between the two sides will narrow. In his shoes, you could as easily believe
that Better Together will go on to finish the job. There is an obvious risk for
a campaign chairman, of course, in taking things for granted. But it might be
just as risky for a Unionist to dismiss all those lovely, favourable polls as
simply misleading. It might suggest a certain lack of confidence.
same could be said – in this space, it will be said – about Mr Darling’s attack
on Alex Salmond for challenging David Cameron to a public debate. It is
reasonable, even clever, to hold the SNP to their claim that the referendum is
Scotland’s affair. It is quite another thing to claim that in a historic
argument over the very future of Britain the prime minister of the day is “neither
here nor there”.
reality, Mr Cameron is there, not here. Does he not want to become involved? Is
it not, in fact, his duty? Or does Better Together recognise a handicap when it
hears one? That’s probably one reason why Mr Darling believes the referendum
result will be close. Any and all reminders of Westminster government are a
tonic for the Yes side and stones in the shoes of their opponents. The prospect
of another coalition, for which Nick Clegg has been busy pleading, is less than
ideal for Unionism.
are multiple ironies within that fact, but it is bound to be one of the stories
of the year ahead. What sort of campaign is it that cannot afford to talk
eagerly or often about the realities of the Union it hopes to defend? David
Cameron is being kept out of sight and, they hope, out of mind. Ed Miliband has
also been notable for his absence from the anti-independence campaign. The man who
hopes to lead a Labour UK government is not an asset to Labour’s Unionists.
Mr Darling knows as much. In the year ahead, the most important piece of
cross-border traffic will be political news from the south. How can you
proclaim the benefits of Union if George Osborne is on the prospectus? Better
Together hangs together because, assuredly, its partners would otherwise hang
separately. Mr Darling faces a year of trying to pretend that a No vote will
amount to something more than another dose of coalition.
will be a long year. The politicians, because they can’t help themselves, are
fighting a miserable campaign of attrition with “facts” while the public
continues to insist that it is, on balance, none the wiser. Set aside the
natural, if impossible, demand for a future foretold in every last detail and
there remains a disjunction between a traditional political contest – do in the
other lot – and the kind of inspiration required when, as advertised, history
beckons. Neither side has risen to the challenge.
writer has put his criticisms of Mr Salmond on record before. The adulterated version
of independence being offered from that quarter will get my vote for two
reasons only. First, self-evidently, it is the only game in town. Secondly, if
even the outlines of independence are established Mr Salmond’s happy thoughts
of monarchy, Nato, currency unions and the rest can be banished within months.
If he takes a Yes vote as an endorsement he will be mistaken. If the Yes campaign is struggling meantime the primary reason is the infinitely pliant gradualism of the First Minister.
Mr Darling’s side, the year to come has another problem in store. Nick Clegg
bumbled into this one during his party’s visit to Glasgow. Does Better Together
truly believe it can get through another 12 months with its politicians
asserting that devolution will be “improved” after a No vote while they refuse
to identify proposals for improvement? That doesn’t sound plausible. In fact, it
sounds insulting. But it has become part of the party-political nature of this
problem runs deep. In 1979, many Scots fumed over the vote-rigging involved in
the so-called 40% rule. This time around Mr Cameron has decreed a “straight
choice”, like it or not. Advertising the benefits of a Scotland still wedded to
Britain, meanwhile, he has refused to describe the aftermath of a No vote even
as he seeks that vote. Arguments are being stifled.
true party-political style, equally, Unionists persist in talking about
“Salmond’s referendum”. In reality, the vote will be no such thing. It’s my
referendum, and yours, and ours. Yet Mr Darling thinks the result will be
close? Better Together should learn how to put two and two together.
want information; of course they do. There is a limit, though, to what can be
offered honestly. The future is funny like that. What tends to be overlooked is
that the future of a continuing UK is at least as uncertain as the possible
future of an independent Scotland. Given recent history, I’m rather more
worried about the former than the latter.
now, the best hope is that those involved will stop behaving as though this is
just another very long election campaign. Chance would be a fine thing, of
course. It may be that the issue is bigger than any politician. It may be that
people are tired of hearing every idea framed in party terms. But Mr Darling is
right about one thing. The story being told by the polls is just one set of
narratives. Those will unravel long before 52 weeks have passed.
A shortened version of the above will appear in The Herald on 18 September, 2013. The newspaper allows
me plenty of space, but somehow it’s never enough. Call me periphrastic. For
the record, yet again, no one at The Herald tells me what to write or how to write it. Both edits are my doing.